
One of my dream came true!
I wanted to create fun in the party with game I created.
The dreamy tool is "SMILE BASIC on Wii U (プチコンBIG)"
5 players control them character by WiiRemote(Wiiリモコン) the best game control device!
SMILE BASIC on Wii U provide to access to 1 GamePad and 4 WiiRemote very easily.

KAWAKUDARI-MP (Multi player version Rafting game KAWAKUDARI from IchigoJam)
The program in SMILE BASIC is so simple!
KAWAKUDARI - Pubic Key: X33N3R4 (To Download Open Source)

Let's play in the party!

If you get a new idea, you can program there in right now!

BOMBMATCH - Pubic Key: K23343ZJ (To Download Open Source)

Let's create funs by programming!

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