Fukui KOSEN is my alma meter and there are 57 KOSEN in Japan.
Japan exported KOSEN to Mongolia already! I went there 2 years ago. (report)

Last year, 2 Japanese people in charged of Mongol KOSEN got the conferment from Mongolia president. Congratulations!
"西山明彦先生、 モンゴル国「ナイラムダル勲章」を受勲 !! | モンゴルに日本式高専を創る支援の会"

In that celebration party connected to Mongol KOSEN!

I update IchigoJam ap (IchigoJam as PC/Mac application) to support Mongolia.
You can download beta version at IchigoJam-FAN.
And I posted to IchigoJam club at Mongol KOSEN.

IchigoJam for Monglia 1.2b37 firmware supported the mini LCD monitor!
Let's challenge to make it! (for Mongol KOSEN students)
"schematic of LCD shield for IchigoJam"

Assemblage at Akihabara our first IchigoJam workshop on September 2014.
This is the beginning.

This day I enjoyed soldering with many kids!

Kids and KOSEN are our Hope!

- モンゴルに日本式高専を創る支援の会 - IchigoJam report at Mongolia

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