To share the programming skill for all of the Kids, PCN started trials at Fukui Kosen.
I updated the first step of IchigoJam with Cutlery Card.

"Cutlery Field" to put some cards.
(download here "CutleryCard_firststep1-front-ja-rev3.pdf")

I added "IF BTN()" and "GOTO1" to learn 'loop' and 'judge' in computer.

They are 44 candidates of Kids Programming Mentor! (2nd grade of EI, Fukui Kosen)

They built own IchigoJam computers!
It's just beginning! Let's enjoy computing with both hardwares and softwares!

- こどもプログラミング教材 Jammy! Programming.KIDS - 日鉄日立システムエンジニアリング株式会社 (original version)
- Let's Compile Your Hand! Real Card Programming for Kids

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