Let's show the real world to kids! (こどもに社会を魅せよう!)
PCN showed programmer's work with IchigoJam at the event "Hatara Kids (はたらキッズ@ja)" in Fukui Lpa (エルパ@ja).

For instance do you know how the traffic signal works? (例えば信号機の仕事)
I found the signal toy Gacha (信号ガチャ) in Village Vanguard at Fukui Lpa.

There are steps to modify it to controll by IchigoJam BASIC.

Disassemble by the cutter and the minus driver (カッターとマイナスドライバーでバラす)

Remove contents (中身を取り除く)

3 3mm LEDs green, yellow and red (3つの3mm LED緑黄赤を準備)

Drill holes to put LEDs (LEDを差し込むための穴を空ける)

Glue LEDs (LEDをホットボンドで固める)

Wire 3 long legs and GND all short soldered legs (長い足と、はんだづけしてつなげた短い足GNDの4本配線する)


10 OUT1:WAIT30 20 OUT2:WAIT10 30 OUT4:WAIT50 40 GOTO10

It's not difficult to modify and program. Let's try!

- Make your own Signal by IchigoJam with CutleryCard - easy way with cards!
- IchigoJam print "Pedestrian Signal" as first step of electronics
- タカラトミーアーツさんのガチャ信号 + IchigoJam - ナチュラルスタイルの工作
- the Signla Gacha where can I get? - 3 spots in Fukui! (福井にも3箇所!)

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