I built a PLA-RoBoHoN plastic model full scaled robot phone RoBoHoN by SHARP.

I chose green eyes from 5 colors.

It's a great tool the art-knife by OLFA to finish its shape of the part!

I've done!

I want to be spoken by PLA-RoBoHoN Instead of real RoBoHoN.

say -v Princess "hello i'm pla robo hone. nice to meet you."

It's fun the say command on Mac!
This program to say a sample sentence by all of the American English talkers.

say -v '?' | grep en_US | while read i; do say -i -v `echo ${i} | awk '{print $1}'` ${i} ; done

modified "say のサンプルを全部喋らせる - Qiita"
recommends: Agnes, Alex, Junior, Kathy, Princess, Samantha, Trinoids, Vicki, Victoria

say -v Kyoko "こんにちは、ぼくプラロボホン。よろしくね"

Kyoko is Japanese speaker on the "say" command of Mac.

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