Sabae city has a base 3D open data powered by JM. (3D open data & VR / Oculus)

"Let's play in our town! IODD2017 / 鯖江みんなでまちあそび@インターナショナルオープンデータデイ2017"
We separated 4 data gathering teams and 1 data making team.
I was a member of the data making team.
We make textures of buildings on a 3D modeling tool "SketchUp" using data posted from gathering teams!
"bulidings photo on Facebook event page"
Nishiyama-store at Sabae city with new textures!
Discussion about new ideas using the 3D open data of virtual Sabae city.
You can become a giant fireman to protect from fires Sabae city!
3D open data of Sabae city (modified 2017.3.4) DOWNLOAD here!
original model CC BY Sabae city powered by JM and the map by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
- 鯖江みんなでまちあそび@インターナショナルオープンデータデイ2017
- International Open Data Day 2017