Just replug the sounder to turn on the keyboard click sound.
KBD1 - SOUND: keyboard click sound mode (KBD1 - GND is better)
SOUND - GND: normal mode
Mr. Nakamura belongs NHN Techorus Corp, told me a special technic to turn on that sonud! I met him at the event "Open Seminar Hirashima". He really came to Sabae city!
The 4 ages girl came back to the Hana Dojo as 6 ages girl!
She wanted to restart programming with her brother.
Would you start typing at the kid's computer with the sound?
- IchigoJamでRPGをつくろう - PCN NSクラブ (Let's make RPG.)
- 4歳児、プログラミングにはまる。こどもにキーボードは難しいか? (4 ages girl fall in love with programming. Is it difficult using the keyboard for kids?)