IchigoJam can storage your 4 programs. If you want to save more, use a chip of EEPROM!
* EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

CN5 of IchigoJam T supports I2C, so I made a EEPROM board!

How to make a EEPROM board on Upverter.

1. Select the EEPROM from the list (A2 is GND or VCC)
"EEPROM for IchigoJam" on Google Docs spread sheet

2. Draw the circuit

3. Design the PCB

4. Order the PCB (Elecrow, FusionPCB, pcbgogo and so on...)

5. Solder the board!

Let's try to make your original EEPROM board!
Easy first step is just forking this!
"1Mbit(microchip) EEPROM cassette for IchigoJam by taisukef 94fa57c5e8a868b1 - Upverter"

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