Play on the IchigoBattler using UID of IchigoJam's CPU LPC1114.

固有ID(CPUID)の取得方法 - How to get UID of CPU
100 POKE#700,128,181,140,176,0,175,248,96,185,96,122,96,59,96,20,35,251,24,58,34,26,96,251,104,186,104,211,24,251,98,7,75,187,98,249,106,20,35,250,24,187,106,16,0,152,71,251,106 110 POKE#730,4,51,27,104,24,0,189,70,12,176,128,189,241,31,255,31 120 Y=USR(#700,#800) 130 FOR I=9 TO 2 STEP-1:?HEX$([I],4);:NEXT:? RUN F50000035485EA695334000012121246
イチゴバトラーにするための続き - Additional program of IchigoBattler
130 ?"YOU ID ";Y 140 INPUT"INPUT ENE ID?",E 150 H=Y/100:A=Y%10+5 160 P=E/100:B=E%10+5 170 IF A>B GOTO 200 180 ?"HP:";H;" ENE:";P:WAIT60 185 IF P<=0 ?"YOU WON!":END 190 D=RND(B):H=H-D:?"ENE ATTACK ";D:BEEP10:WAIT60 200 ?"HP:";H;" ENE:";P:WAIT60 205 IF H<=0 ?"YOU LOST...":END 210 D=RND(A):P=P-D:?"YOU ATTACK ";D:BEEP5:WAIT60 220 GOTO 180
プログラムをいろいろいじってみよう! Let's Hack!
最強のIchigoJamを探せ! - Find a strongest IchigoJam!
早速ゲットした新IchigoDake! - Latest IchigoDake! (IchigoJam version)
IchigoDake parts (IchigoLatte version)
IchigoDake Set (IchigoJam version)
IchigoDake IchigoLatte version works!
- IchigoDake
- IchigoJam (IchigoJam BASIC version)
- IchigoLatte (JavaScript version)