
(背景なし) src and data on GitHub
現地で撮影した360度写真を背景に、イノシシくんを8頭、走らせてみました。 const model = asset("./inoshi1-min.glb"); const nino = 8; const inos = []; const defr = 10; // (m) for (let i = 0; i < nino; i++) { const r = defr; const deg = i / nino * 360; const th = deg / (2 * Math.PI); const x = r * Math.cos(th); const z = r * Math.sin(th); const obj = cr("a-entity", scene); obj.setAttribute("gltf-model", model); obj.setAttribute("position", { x, y, z }); obj.setAttribute("scale", { x: scale, y: scale, z: scale }); obj.setAttribute("rotation", { x: 0, y: -deg - 90, z: 0 }); inos.push(obj); obj.startt = performance.now() + Math.random() * 5000; obj.th = th; } setInterval(() => { for (const ino of inos) { const now = performance.now(); const dt = now - ino.startt; const r = dt > 0 ? defr - dt / 100 : defr; const th = ino.th; const x = r * Math.cos(th); const z = r * Math.sin(th); ino.setAttribute("position", { x, y, z }); if (r < -defr) { ino.startt = now + Math.random() * 5000; } } }, 1000 / 60); 2Dに慣れたら、3Dを使ったプログラミングにもチャレンジ!

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