I got 11 pieces of PCBs for Sabae Bus from elecrow. (I ordered 29 Jan)

I found wiring misses all pattern of tact switches are wrong!
I had to cut each 2 legs of the tact switch to fix.

It works! This is a test program on IchigoJam.

10 FOR I=1 TO 6:OUT I,-1:NEXT:'switch to IN from OUT pin 20 ?BIN$(IN(),11) 30 WAIT 5 40 GOTO 20

I updated the PCB as version 2
"Bus Buttons by taisukef d3fc1ea69f75ebd6 - Upverter"
- added holes on four corners
- added silks on each switches
- added a LED for the slide switch
- fixed a PCB pattern of the tact switch
- fixed a PCB pattern of the slide switch

Failure teaches Success! Keep to create!

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