KIDS IoT Hackathon (こどもIoTハッカソン) produced 15 unique prototypes in Sendai city Miyagi prefecture.

Boys and girls from age 6 to 12 years made own robot using IchigoJam BASIC and FaBo rapid prototyping tool and Design Thinking.

Let's interview to get dissatisfactions to Mom or Dad!

Get the skill to create with hands on the programming lecture with making a game with FaBo.

Let's create!

It's making time of own product individually!

Kids can create so rapidly!
Presentation to all after just 1 hour!

Dissatisfaction: Daughter don't get up quickly
Solution Robot : Shaking bed to be got up!

Dissatisfaction: Son don't eat the meal
Solution Robot : Be delicious looking food machine through the camera

Dissatisfaction: Daughter don't clean up
Solution Robot : Present machine when cleaning up

Dissatisfaction: Lost things
Solution Robot : Alarm machine when not picking a thing

movie: presentations from kids by PCN Sendai

Finished! Thank you for joining this event!
I hope to stay creative!

- "IchigoJam first step, minigames, first step of IoT with FaBo, IchigoJam BASIC reference 1.2 (PDF)"

- Hana道場×PCN仙台「こどもIoTハッカソン」2017年1月14日レポート|PCN仙台 プログラミング クラブ ネットワーク センダイ

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