Last month, prime minister Mr. Abe said "I promote the Open Data strongly with the new law about data".
(平成28年12月19日 未来投資会議 | 平成28年 | 総理の一日 | 総理大臣 | 首相官邸ホームページ)

In 2013, Japan government released "Japan Open Data Charter Action Plan" and updating our load map and strategy "The Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (IT Strategic Headquarters)".

I recommend to add the 5 Star Open Data as standardization on VLED meeting of Utilization and Promotion Committee. (docs)

This slide shows how to access 5 star bridge open data in SPARQL.

Consulting company "IPC" made a vocabulary of the bridge.
IPC is a group company of Pacific Consultants International Group.

SPARQL is very easy and web standard API to access 5 Star Open Data.
This query obtains the top 5 longest bridge.

select ?uri ?name ?len { ?uri <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.ipc-pacific.com/ipc/BridgeData>. ?uri <http://www.ipc-pacific.com/ipc/bridgeName> ?name. ?uri <http://www.ipc-pacific.com/ipc/bridgeLength> ?len. } order by desc(?len)

You can get though just copy & paste that code on the SPARQL console of odp.
Tannanbashi(丹南橋) bridge is the longest bridge (182.5m) in Sabae city.

"a list of 5 star bridge open data (sortable csvviewer)"
Also 5 star open data can easily convert to CSV, XML and JSON. This is table view of 5 star open data bridges.

"Bridge x Bus Map at Sabae"
This web app combine Bus realtime open data x Bridge 5 star open data.

This is a 91 old years bridge the oldest bridge in Sabae city!

Sabae city manages 423 bridges but this number is less than number of bridges in Sabae city.
I'm asking bridges managed by Fukui prefecture and Japan government.
5 Star Open Data can connect all of the infrastructure data around you!

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