In this time computers help us for that! Why don't use for kids.

At Koganei city Tokyo, Maehara elementary school is the most innovative school.
the 1st grade: Viscuit
the 2nd grade: Unplugged with Hello Ruby / みんなのコード
the 3rd grade: Scratch2MCPI - Minecraft controlled by Scratch
the 4th grade: Ozobot
the 4th grade: Scratch
the 5th grade: Mindstorm EV3
the 5th grade: ArtecRobo
the 6th grade: CodeMonkey
Mr. Matsuda president presented us a trial of mathmatic class with Minecraft & Scratch and we discussed about that.
This is a code to construct a circle in the world of Micraft.
Spiral road to the sky! Everyone can be a wizard with programming!
For all of the kids, let's make a lot of chances to open them eyes to see the future!
Thank you for impressive experience!
If you get a shutdown trouble with Raspberry Pi...