Code for Japan Corporate Fellowship in Sabae presented an event "Bus Ideathon".

How to increse Tsutsuji bus users?

3 teams started to discussion from probrems given by paticipants.

Bus design team presented Rakugo in the bus with mini a skit.

I like this idea! Foregin language and Japanese annouce about Sabae in the bus.
Sabae citizens will become strong for foregin people!
Try to make simple sentences about Sabae like this:
"What is a famous Sake in Sabae? It's Born."

People don't like complicated time table.
Providing simple time table to people by indivisual objectives.
If we make and design that from the bus time table opendata and share on web, it's very cute!

Our IT team presented "improve our bus life by e-happy".
"HAPPY" is local currency in Sabae. We can ride the Tsutsuji bus using HAPPY.
Our idea is changing HAPPY to the e-money and producing many mini game about the bus.
We discussed the best way to promote is the game's score sharing on Twitter.

series (じゅんにおす)」(src on GitHub)

In the beginning this is a sample game supports Twitter share!
Join us "e-happy Facebook group".

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