I love them who can create their own products.
Your products helps you to communicate someone lives somewhere want to help you.

Yuge KOSEN team "Knee's Needs"(弓削商船高専@ja) got the best prize at the Entrepreneur's Koshien (起業家甲子園@ja)!
I'm so happy that I've supported as a mentor of ICT Mentor Platform.
(And I got the best mentor prize!!)
I reported at this event about Silicon Valley Boot Camp.
Japanese have to conquest 3 superstitions
1. Know Japan's great tech history
2. Know Japan's great potential
3. Know Japan's mistranslation of innovation
Thank you great camp program! Masumoto-san I met at Sabae!
(Masumoto-san want to make a bridge from local areas in Japan to Silicon Valley)
Congratulations all!
Stay creative!
- NICTのイベント|平成28年度|起業家甲子園 ・ 起業家万博 - 総務省・NICT Entrepreneurs' Challenge 2Days|起業家甲子園 ・ 起業家万博 - 総務省・NICT Entrepreneurs' Challenge 2Days|起業家甲子園|開催報告|NICT 情報通信ベンチャー支援センター
- 情報通信ベンチャー支援センター | シリコンバレーブートキャンプ報告 | NICT-情報通信研究機構
- ベンチャー企業支援 | NICT-情報通信研究機構