We reinvented the Pager as the IoT using Sakura's IoT Paltform and Twilio.

IchigoJam will show digits or message on Micro Dot pHAT from the web.
This is the system architecture of IoP.
Before jig.jp's 15th years kick off meeting, we hold the jig hackathon 2017 at 11am!
Our 9 teams raced to get the "Born" the Japanese champion sake.
I was in charge of the hardware side.
This is the prototype before making the body with paper.
These are 2 IchigoJam BASIC programs of IoP.
1 'IoP - FILE0 10 LED1 100 @LOOP 110 GSB @CHK:IF N=0 WAIT30:CONT 120 GSB @GET:CLS:COPY#900,#785,6:LED0:LRUN1 800 'IoT Lib 810 @CHK:POKE#700,#32,0:N=4:GSB@I2C:N=PEEK(#783):RTN 820 @GET:POKE#700,#30,0:N=#14:GSB@I2C:N=PEEK(#784):RTN 900 @I2C:'use M,C,I 910 M=PEEK(#701)+2 920 C=0:FOR I=0 TO M-1:C=C^PEEK(#700+I):NEXT:POKE#700+M,C 930 IF I2CR(79,#700,M+1,#780,N+1) STOP 940 C=0:FOR I=0 TO N-1:M=PEEK(#780+I):C=C^M:?M;" ";:NEXT:? 950 IF C!=PEEK(#780+N) OR PEEK(#780)!=1 STOP 960 RTN
1 'IoP - FILE1 10 GSB@INIT 30 FOR P=0 TO 5 40 C=PEEK(#900+P):GSB@PUTC 50 NEXT:GSB@UPDATE 55 PLAY"O5$BR" 56 IF BTN()=0 CONT ELSE PLAY 58 GSB@CLS:GSB@UPDATE 60 LRUN0 99 'Micro Dot lib 100 @INIT 110 FOR I=#61 TO #63 120 POKE#800,0,`11000:IF I2CW(I,#800,2,#800,0) STOP 130 POKE#800,#D,`1110:IF I2CW(I,#800,2,#800,0) STOP 140 POKE#800,#19,255:IF I2CW(I,#800,2,#800,0) STOP 150 NEXT 160 RTN 200 @PUTC:'P=pos0-5,C=char 210 A=#63-P/2:IF P&1 GSB@A ELSE GSB@B 230 RTN 300 @A 310 FOR I=0 TO 6 320 D=PEEK(C*8+I)>>2:N=0 330 FOR J=0 TO 4 340 N=N+D&1<<(4-J):D=D>>1 350 NEXT 360 POKE#700+I,N 370 NEXT 380 POKE#800,1:IF I2CW(A,#800,1,#700,7) STOP 390 RTN 400 @B 410 FOR I=0 TO 4 420 N=0 430 FOR J=0 TO 6 440 N=N+PEEK(C*8+J)>>(6-I)&1<<J 450 NEXT 460 POKE#700+I,N 470 NEXT 480 POKE#800,#E:IF I2CW(A,#800,1,#700,5) STOP 490 RTN 500 @UPDATE 510 FOR A=#61 TO #63:POKE#700,#C,1:IF I2CW(A,#700,2,#700,0) STOP 520 NEXT:RTN 600 @CLS:FORP=0TO5:C=0:GSB@PUTC:NEXT:RTN
(for IchigoJam 1.2 beta 42)
Have a nice hack!
We'll start 15th year this April!