Junior high school girls made the IchigoJam kit!
Let's discovery the programming world!
The first step with CutleryCard! You did it!
The first try to move the servo motor!
8 age kid try the first soldering!
Try to modify Family Computer by Nintendo!
Today's staffs.
This is a puzzle game "Binary Room" result of MokuMoku on my brain.
I like the game "Binary Land" puzzle game 2 game character controlled by 1 player.
Interpose by charaters A and B to get the numbers in ascending order.
Use the cusor key (A is normal movement, B is millor movement).
1 'BINARY ROOM 10 S=1 15 CLS:LC4,0:?"STAGE:";S 20 FOR I=0 TO 15 30 LC8+I,2:?"#":LC8+I,17:?"#" 50 LC8,2+I:?"#":LC23,2+I:?"#" 70 NEXT 80 SRNDS:FOR I=1 TO S*3 90 X=RND(12)+10:Y=RND(12)+4:IF SCR(X,Y) CONT 100 LCX,Y:IF I%3 ?"#" ELSE ?I/3 110 NEXT 120 X=15:Y=16:V=16:W=16:C=1:CLT 125 K=INKEY() 130 A=-(K=28)+(K=29):B=-(K=30)+(K=31) 140 IF SCR(X+A,Y+B)=0 LCX,Y:?CHR$(0):X=X+A:Y=Y+B 150 IF SCR(V-A,W+B)=0 LCV,W:?CHR$(0):V=V-A:W=W+B 160 LCX,Y:?"A":LCV,W:?"B" 165 LC(X+V)/2,(Y+W)/2:IF SCR()-48=C IF Y=W AND ABS(X-V)=2 OR X=V AND ABS(Y-W)=2 ?CHR$(0);:C=C+1:IF C=S+1 LC4,20:?"CLEAR!":WAIT30:IF S=9 END ELSE S=S+1:GOTO 15 170 LC16,0:?"TIME:";TICK()/60:WAIT3:GOTO 125
See you next Moku-Moku-Meeting!