I was invited to judge to the final day of Startup Weekend Fukui!

"Dream List" team got the first prize! Congratulations!

Naturatch team got the second prize. Try to use drones also!

Ikumen team got the third prize. Try to use Open Data from local governments!

The youngest team including MASAHARU and a student Kosen graduated VRPartner presented a idea "VR x Job hunting".

I presented the IchigoJam computer to make fist prototyping as the award to all of that team!

This is a simple device to celebrate at the award celemony!

1 'AWARD SOUND SYSTEM 10 LED1:WAIT30:LED0 20 IF BTN()=0 CONT 30 PLAY"T2000<L8$CRER":WAIT30 40 IF BTN()=0 CONT 50 BEEP:WAIT60 60 PLAY"T100articleBodylt;D2>B.<C8D2>G2A8B8<C8D8C>BA1B8<C8D8E8DDG2D2C>BA.G8G1" 70 IF BTN()=0 CONT 80 PLAY:WAIT30:GOTO 20

Press the button to move the state (Drum roll, Award Music and Stop)

Thank you SWO staffs. Let's be a entrepreneur!

- !初! Startup Weekend 福井 – 開催報告 – Startup Weekend Japan
- Startup Weekend Japan – 特定非営利活動法人 Startup Weekend
- Startup Weekend - Learn, Network, Startup

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