Now IchigoJam supported PAL TV! (from now only NTSC, selected in Japan)

The 4.3inch mini monitor supports both NTSC and PAL.
A little bit smaller than NTSC version and with 50 frames per second.
So "WAIT 50" means 1 second! (NTSC ver: "WAIT 60" is 1 sec)
10 S="PAL" 20 FOR I=0 TO LEN(S)-1 30 X=4+I*8:Y=10:C=ASC(S+I):GSB@PUTCBIG 40 NEXT 20000 END 20010 @PUTCBIG 20020 FOR J=0 TO 7 20030 LC X,Y+J:N=PEEK(C*8+J) 20040 FOR K=0 TO 7 20050 ?CHR$((1<<(7-K)&N)>0); 20060 NEXT 20070 NEXT 20080 RTN
On IchigoJam 1.2 beta 44 firmware, you can hide after 16385 line to make your library.
LIST 10 S="PAL" 20 FOR I=0 TO LEN(S)-1 30 X=4+I*8:Y=10:C=ASC(S+I):GSB@PUTCBIG 40 NEXT OK
If you want to see library, type with name of library and a comma zero.
LIST @PUTCBIG,0 20010 @PUTCBIG 20020 FOR J=0 TO 7 20030 LC X,Y+J:N=PEEK(C*8+J) 20040 FOR K=0 TO 7 20050 ?CHR$((1<<(7-K)&N)>0); 20060 NEXT 20070 NEXT 20080 RTN OK
DMM 4K monitor can display PAL version of IchigoJam also.
You can download this beta firmware Facebook group "IchigoJam-FAN".
Try your PAL TV and report me!