If you have own WiFi in the home, using WiFi is one of easy way to create own IoT device. Cheking cat's toilet is first step to look a cat's health! Today I updated its communication device to WiFi.

NekoIoT notices me that a cat go to a toilet.

It's a 450 yen distance sensor same as paprika's eye!
* シャープ測距モジュール GP2Y0A21YK: センサ一般 秋月電子通商 電子部品 ネット通販

MixJuice is the WiFi module for IchigoJam.
Just stack your IchigoJam and set up.

?"MJ APC *ssid* *password* MJ APC *ssid* *password* '................. 'WiFi connected: ***.***.***.*** 'OK

It succeeded to connect the net! And program as below.

1 'NekoIoT ver 1.3 10 W=60*20:D=0:L=200:LED1:?"Connecting..." 15 UART0,0:WAIT W:LED0:?"OK":UART1,1 20 GSB@GET:?A:IF A<=L WAIT10:CONT 32 LED1 36 ?"SEND!":GSB@SEND 40 WAIT 60*10 45 LED0 50 GOTO 20 200 @GET:M=0:S=0:FOR I=0 TO 4:A=ANA(2):S=S+A:IF A>M M=A 210 WAIT5:NEXT 220 A=(S-M)/4:RTN 300 @SEND:?"MJ GET ***.***/***/?v=";A:RTN

* set a URL of your web app! I set up to notice my phone via IFTTT.

Sakura's IoT Platform is easy way to create IoT also and the easiest way to set up! Just be power it on!
"How to blink a LED via web on IchigoJam using Sakura IoT Platform beta"
This is a tutorial to use it.

In 27 April at Tokyo, we will hold an IoT event!
"Ideathon with the first step of IoT and Open Data / IoTとオープンデータはじめのいっぽ&課題解決型アイデアソン"

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