IchigoJam web updated to simulate 7-segment LED.

IchigoJam web by WebAssembly *7seg on right top!
IchigoJam web connects a 7-seg LED on HTML through shared memory on WebAssembly.

"LED(7seg) by PCN Kanazawa / LED(7セグ) by PCN金沢@ja"
7-segment LED is one of very popular electronics parts to build devices.

You can control the 7seg LED very easy.


"OUT1,1" to light up a top of LED. OUT1-7 connects each LEDs.


127 means 1111111(binary). So all 7 LEDs lighted up.

"Janken using 7seg LED"

This is the dice program.

10 LET[0],6,91,79,102,109,125 20 OUT[RND(6)]

This is the count down progrom.

10 LET[0],63,6,91,79,102,109,125,39,127,111 20 FOR I=9 TO 0 STEP -1:OUT[I]:WAIT60:NEXT

Let's make it!

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