We introduced tiny computer IchigoJam and our activities in Rwanda and other countries.

How to listen the IchigoJam radio show.
"LIVE" on NHK World - Swahili
17 Dec 12:30-13:00(JST), 5:30-6:00(in Rwanda)
PC or Radio Japan(ラジオ日本) App in Kiswahili(スワヒリ語)(iOS and Android)
After 17 Dec 13:00(JST) 6:00(in Rwanda), until 24 Dec.
"- Ukumbi wa Jumapili - Radio - NHK WORLD - Swahili"
"PCN Kids Programming Contest" waits kids programs from all overs world!
Encourage your kids in your countries!
Including IchigoJam BASIC, any computer languages are OK!
I wrote an article for the free paper of "Tannan-FM", my home town Sabae city local FM radio broadcasting.
"Rwandan kids so excited with IchigoJam programming school! (PDF)"
- Connect kids all over the world! Kobe x Africa x Fukui / schematic of IchigoJam
- Let's innovate by Your Home Brew Computer with African kids!
- Improve innovations with kids programming at Rwanda!
- Programming for Rwandan kids! Open Teaching Materials
- IchigoJam workshop at Tumba Collage of Technology (トゥンバ高専) in Rwanda Africa
- English and Programing will become the tool to connect kids all over the world! / ルワンダ記、英語とプログラミングがつなぐ世界
- Number Game on IchigoJam print / ゲームづくりは最高の学び、ルワンダ語の数編
- Rwanda 360 degrees VR tour