プログラミングの楽しさ、伝わったようです! We're glad to see your good smiles! (photo by KidsVenture)
PCN Kathmandu, PCN & KidsVenture team!
まずは体験、Aを押して、エンター! (photo by KidsVenture)
Let's challenge! In the beginnig, just type "A", and hit the enter!
はんだづけも体験! IchigoJam can start from scratch! (photo by KidsVenture)
超音波距離センサープログラム! use the ultrasonic sensor!
みんなで楽器演奏! Let's play the music with your computer!
資料PDF「The first programming with IchigoJam」 making musical instrument edition!
オープンデータなので改変、活用自由! You can use freely under the CC BY open license.
学び方が分かれば最強! You'll be a hero after learning how to learn!
- IchigoJam print in English
- IchigoJam documents in English
- IchigoJam-FAN@en on Facebook
モモ、美味しい! How delicious momo!
ありがとうネパール! Thanks Nepal!