I met again Afirican friends! (last year at Kobe)
PCN presented an event to make own PC & programming at KIC (Kobe Institute of Computing).

Starting with "Make Your PC with IchigoJam at KIC" by Hara of PCN.

We are ict4e, NATURAL STYLE, jig.jp, ithink, SAKURA Internet, applil!

Soldering to make own PC, IchigoJam

You made it!

Next step is programming!

Do you know the computer? Let's enjoy programming!

Line up the cards...

And flip to translate!

Cutlery Card System in English version! (you can download the pdf file)

This is my full presentation with game creation extra session!
Enjoy computing!!

Programming Club Network (PCN) will be more global from Kobe with PCN member of Osaka, Mie and Fukui!

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