How cute! (*I ordered shorter screws)
You can wear Raspberry Pi and small display! (*I need the smaller battery)
Using neoplug, it's very easy to attach and detach the attachment 3D printed!
I installed IchigoJam RPi to Raspberry Pi Zero. So this is a wearable BASIC machine also!
It likes a game on your real life!
10 CLS:?"TIME:";T 20 WAIT60:T=T+1:GOTO10 SAVE0
Let's enjoy programming your life in BASIC!
By the way I enjoyed small NES with neoplug x VUFINE+. (*without sounds)
There are things I mistaken. Failure is a source of success!
You can download this attachment STL data for 3D printers on Thingverse.
"attachment for neoplug x Raspberry Pi Zero by taisukef - Thingiverse"