Electronic making is kind of handicraft. Girls like it also! (ギャル電@ja)

I found a cute kit, so I modified to be more. You can display as pink color using BASIC program to control blue and red 2 color LEDs it has.

This kit includes "Happy Birthday" music IC but didn't use. Keep it another objects.

* red 'x' not use!

connect 5 wires to IchigoJam (* you can select front or back on new ver.)

IchigoJamcolorHeart LED
OUT2 (CN4)yellowR2 bottom
OUT3 (CN4)blueR3 bottom
GND (CN5)blackDC -
5V (CN5)redDC +
SOUND (CN3)greenVT3 top

program it!

10 PWM 2,RND(30) 20 PWM 3,RND(10) 30 BEEP RND(20)+10,5 40 WAIT30 50 GOTO 10

Let's make your own elecronic accessories!

- ハート18LED&メロディキット - aitendo (new ver.)
- ハート18LED&メロディキット - aitendo (old ver.)

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