
As there are differences in each region of Japan, the world is also wide variety. At the same time, living by one species that man there. Underlying countries around the world support the World Bank listed poverty eradication, wish all of humanity that the realization of an affluent society. It's interesting precisely because there is a difference, we can cooperate because our though is one.

Google Earthで地球を眺めて見える、宇宙に浮かぶ島国、地球。日本という島々、日本人、日本語。狭い世界だからこそ、細かな違いに敏感になり、醸成された技術や文化。アイデア、ニーズ、成功も失敗もひっくるめた体験が、いよいよ地球レベルで交流する時代の始まりです。

Viewing through Google Earth, the earth is an afloating island in the universe. The islands, the people, and the language of Japan. Its fermented technology and culture that were nurtured in the small world through the sensitivities of subtle differences. The holistic experiences pertaining idea, needs, success and failure has opened the door to the new era of global interaction.


The Earth, the earthlings, the Web. The evolving web is a platform that takes the shared communication that humans can only dream about and uses technology to break the restrictions of language. Open data is the beginning of the new Web. The transformation is just beginning, but it's progressing at unimaginable speeds.

Global ICT Summit, where you can glimpse humanity's unfathomable potential. We'll create many things!

Create Happy with Open Data!

Ashish Gupta(BT)、Karim Temsamini(Google)、Taisuke Fukuno(jig.jp / Code for Sabae)、Fiona Tweedie(OKF Australia)、Craig Hammer(WORLDBANK)、Masanori Murui(Nikkei) 左から敬称略

- 参考
オープンデータ、新たなインフラに 世界ICTサミット2014:オープンデータ情報ポータル
オープンデータ、官民連携で普及を IT企業幹部ら討論 :日本経済新聞
世界ICTサミット Facebook / オープンデータで活性化する社会と経済
Ustream.tv: ユーザー NIKKEI_Japan_Channel: 世界ICTサミット2014【セッション3】 - 日本語
Code for Kanazawa 5374.jp が紹介される

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